Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Long Thanksgiving Weekend

It's been a long time since I blogged. I blame the massive amounts of food I might have consumed to celebrate an American national holiday. I technically had two Thanksgivings, I'll explain. Here's a photo:
That's me on the lower right.
Normally we trade off Thanksgivings between my family and Nicole's family. This year was not any different. We thought. We were going to spend turkey-day here in town with Nicole's great aunt and family. No problem, but then my Mom called up and told us that the Friday after Thanksgiving was going to be spent having Thanksgiving dinner with my family because my sister's family would be in town from New Hampshire.

If you're following closely, that totals two Thanksgiving dinners in two days. I'm feeling sleepy just thinking about it. So much turkey, with gallons of gravy... It was delicious and exhausting.

I have to admit that the actual Thanksgiving was pretty awkward and the food was hit and miss. Here's a breakdown of how I thought things ranked.

Thanksgiving Day:

  • Conversation = meh. I didn't know anyone besides my in-laws.
  • Before Meal Munchies = Pickled everything. Yay okra!
  • Entertainment = ugh, football. 
  • Turkey = meh. Low point. 
  • Sides = Sweet potatoes: Awesome. "20 pounds of brown sugar!"
  • After Dinner Nap = None, just mildly soft chairs.
Dinner with my Family Breakdown:

  • Conversation = Way too loud, but fun.
  • Before Meal Munchies = Carmel Chex mix, Vinage sodas
  • Entertainment = Scrabble and nephews.
  • Turkey = Amazing! De-boned and cooked on the barbecue! Super juicy.
  • Sides = Dad's whipped mashed potatoes and gravy!
  • After Dinner Nap = None, we had to open early Christmas presents instead. Darn.
I had a lot of fun, but I wish we could have spaced them out a few days. It's just way too much yummy stuff in such a short period of time!

- The Everyday All Nighter

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