Thursday, February 23, 2012

Delayed Post: Our Valentine's Day Adventure

I'm not great a planning or implementing great date ideas or even giving well thought out gifts. Nicole knows this first hand. (Sorry, Honey!) Especially for Valentine's Day! Its a day that requires some thought and planning, but usually takes more money than I want to spend. I don't think the money spent on Valentine's Day equals the quantity of love I have for my wife. I like to show my wife how much I love her throughout the year, not just on one day!

I surprised myself this year! I actually had a plan: it was simple, fun, and cheap. The most important part was that Nicole and I could spend some time together and have a laugh. Here's what we ended up doing:

We had a doctor's appointment for our son, Oliver. He checked out just fine. He's healthy and growing up strong! Our doctor is a little weird, but is always impressed how 'white' we are. I think a lot of his patients are mexican and he likes to point out how differently we do our parenting. Good, weird, and fun.

Next we were getting a little hungry, so we stopped at a special little restaurant that is super tasty and a little strange. It's called Chino Bandito and it's like a delicious mix between chinese and mexican food. Sounds gross, but it tastes so good! I had some Jade Chicken, a Hangrenade chicken quesadilla with jerk fried rice and black beans. Three words: Om Nom Nom!

Next we headed over to the nearby Barnes & Noble. I had a stack of stickie notes and a pen with me and we walked around the store sneaking in little notes into books that we had read! It's a little dastardly but it was really fun. We left notes saying things like 'I really liked this book because...' or 'I read this whole book while sitting on the toilet'. I thought it was extra fun trying to sneak around writing notes and popping these stickies into books. 

Writing some sneaky notes for 'Treasure Island'!

Nicole wrote one for a book about Downton Abby! (It's our new favorite show!)

Ollie kept giving us these looks, like we were criminals... It's not illegal to write notes in books!
I think.

-The Everyday All Nighter


  1. I love the post-it idea! Perhaps a little sneaky, but it's better than getting a book from the library that people have drawn on the actual pages. Plus your stickies were helpful! Still a little skeptical about the Chinese / Mexican? You'll have to take me there when I'm in town next. It sounds gross.

    1. You'd be surprised with the chinese/mexican food combination! It's so delicious and weird.
