Friday, October 14, 2011

So I was thinking we should... Doooooooooo.

Hey Everybody!

Nicole and I have a bit of an inside joke that we like to kid about every now and then. Have you ever been talking to someone or listening to something and you just completely tone it out? I'm talking completely toned it out, its like your mind flips over to 'bars and tone'. If you've never heard of bars and tone, its a video term that refers to those odd color bars you see on TV sometimes and the sound that plays with it. You know what I'm talking about.

Nicole and I actually joke about this all of the time. Just a few days ago our apartment land lord left Nicole a message on her phone. While she's listening to the message she gets that blank glaze on her face and I knew it was a 'Dooooo...' moments. I asked her was the land lord said and all she could tell me was that it was the landlord and thats about it. She handed me the phone and I listened to the message; all he wanted was for us to turn in some paperwork he needed. I looked at Nicole with one of those 'really?' faces. "Did you tone out again?" She says when people start talking about technical stuff or paperwork she always tones out.

Do you do that as well? I know I do. Sometimes when people start going into really deep detail about something that I'm not really interested in, I tone out. Now I don't want you to think that every time I talk to you I'm not listening, because I am. I promise. Except for those times when I am toning out. But you'll never know, it's my secret.

Have you ever had this happen to you? Feel like sharing one of those 'Doooo...' moments? Let me know!

Oh yeah, could you go ahead and send me some, doooooo...

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