I really like Halloween as a holiday. Its cheap, fun and very different compared to other American holidays. Some people really hate Halloween because it allows children to run around and goof off for a whole night as a bunch of 'hoodlums'. Not really a great reason to hate a holiday. Some people hate that the whole holiday allows strangers in costumes to ring your doorbell and beg for candy. People are just too private in their lives and need to lighten up.
Now on to the Halloween Conundrum. Nicole and I want to dress up for Halloween, but we always put it off until the very last minute. Not great planning on our part, but we'll figure something out. Nicole really wants to dress up our son as something adorable, but all the costumes she likes would have had to been made weeks ago and they all look semi-complicated. Maybe next year we'll plan something out a little more in advance. So, you'll just have to see what we cobble together in the end.
I also signed us up for the chili cook off at our ward's Trunk or Treat event on Saturday. Nicole was really hesitant to compete because then we're forced to actually attend the event. We can't just sneak in and out whenever we please, like most other times. We're like social mime ninjas. We're friendly, silent, and sneaky.
I was thinking about cooking a buffalo chicken chili. I thought that sounded good, but Nicole hates buffalo flavor so I might do something else. If you have an amazing chili recipe, Share It! I wouldn't mind being the ward chili champion and still be a social mime ninja.
Also I've managed to wrangle up a few extra jobs for me to do freelance work for, which is greatly appreciated. Yay! I'll be doing some video work for some nursing home facilities in Mesa. It's not glamorous but it's a little extra money that will be well earned.
Just in case you haven't noticed I changed my background! Its a sculpture that is hanging across from where I work. Its really interesting and a really colorful part of downtown Phoenix.
In the spirit of Halloween: Here's a little video to get you in the mood!
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