Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Set Up

Hello Inter-web-nets.

Here's the situation with this blog:

1. I am starting a blog because I work late nights all by myself in a giant building, with no one to keep me company. Hence the sweet, sweet companionship of the internet and the warm hum of 25 computers to keep me occupied.

2. When I say late nights; I mean very late. I don't get home until 5am. This is the 'Even Filibertos is Closed' kind of late. (If you're unfamiliar with Filibertos or Filly-B's, we'll discuss this later.)

3. Why do I work late nights, you ask? I am currently a Web Content Producer on a syndicated TV show based out of Phoenix, AZ and I need something to fill the time in the wee early hours of the morning.

4. My wife is a prolific blogger and I'm trying to compete with her. Victory will soon be mine.

5. Heck, its better than watching the five TV screens playing old infomercials.

Now, more about myself:

I'm a professional filmmaker and video editor. Seriously, that's what I do all day (and night). I own my own business, making professional films and web videos. People dream of making movies all day, its not what its cracked up to be. Long hours, little appreciation. On top of that I work nights for the TV show.

I love watching movies & good TV shows. I have been playing video games since I was introduced to Tetris. I enjoy a good long play-til-your-butt-is-numb board game. Basically all things nerdy.

I love to cook and eat good food. Hence the 'tummy' that seems to follow me around everywhere.

I enjoy reading great books. I'm finding myself enjoying older 'classic' books lately, like FrankensteinThe Count of Monte Christo, and Atlas Shrugged.

I would imagine myself as a 'Manly Man'. I believe the particular skills and traits that our fathers possessed should play an important role in our everyday lives. Skills like repairing things, changing the oil in your car, smashing bugs for your wife, growing mustaches, shaving with a straight edge razor, etc.

I am not much of a sports guy, but I do enjoy watching baseball games at the stadium. I do have a love for cars, not racing. Hot rods mostly.

I'm a husband and a new father, and as such I am working my keister off to provide the monies for my family. I am trying my hardest to be a great dad and husband. Its not easy.

What can you expect out me and this blog?

Here's my initial plan, I'll probably start blogging about projects I'm working on and things that that are going on with work and my life. Especially my interests, my current jobs & projects and some good old fashioned writing. Since I am a video guy, I'm also thinking about doing a weekly video post, but don't quote me on that. Boring, right?

We'll see how this goes. I'm going to try and post something every night, so try and keep up will you?

Thanks for sticking it out with me!

-Brady G
The Everyday All Nighter

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